Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Body Paragraph Revised

Thompson claims that writing can help clarify our thinking. According to Thompson, things such as a post on Tumblr, Facebook or even a text message all involve writing for an audience which inadvertently improves the way we write and think. A study done by Professor Andrea Lunsford shows that back then most of the essays that were written by college freshmen were typically shorter than those of college freshmen now. This is due to the fact that now people have access to social media and other forms of communication which they did not have back them, restraining the older generations to practice their writing as much as the newer generations do. Referring to the study done by Professor Lunsford Thompson himself writes, “Because they were often writing for other people…they were adept at reading the tempo of a thread, adapting their writing to people’s reactions.” (p. 67) What he means by this is that writing for an audience betters the way people write. In other words, Thompson believes that if a person knows that whatever they are writing is going to be seen by either one person or a large group of people they will tend to be more careful about what they write and how they present their text.

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