Sunday, October 5, 2014

Carey's Main Claims

Against For Profits: 
  1. Claim: A large amount of people who attend for-profit colleges are required to take out loans which leaves them in debt.  Evidence:  Horror  stories of people who have went to for-profits and were convinced to take out loans for a worthless degree
  2. Claim: For profits take advantage of their students who come from moderate- and low- income backgrounds because they charge them a lot more than public colleges/universities. Evidence: Official documents from Corinthian Colleges filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission. 
  3. Claim: The federal government must regulate tax payer dollars that are going into towards the for-profit shareholders. Evidence: “90/10” rule, federal rule that requires for-profit colleges to get no more than 90% of their revenue from federal aid. 
For For-Profits:
  1. Claim: For-profits take in students who the public colleges and universities do not want. Evidence: University of Phoenix as an example.
  2. Claim: Many for-profits have regional accreditation just like regular colleges and universities. Evidence: Michael Clifford as an example to prove that that claim is true.
  3. Claim: For-profits fill that space left by traditional institutions. Evidence: For-profits use the internet to their advantage to teach students who cannot make it to the colleges for in class sessions.

I would like to investigate claim number one in the “For for-profit” section to see how many students who are rejected by traditional colleges/universities actually are taken in by for-profits. 

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